Sunday, June 24, 2012

#118: This is the gift and it comes with a price.

Hi dear readers and followers,
I know my hiatus status has been extended for a bit too long. So much stuff has been happening and I barely catch a breath to sum up everything and put them in my blog. It’s true, as we get older, the busier we would actually get. I used to have this mind set where everything will be like “free as a bird” thing after high school. Unfortunately, that thought is just... a failure. It became harder to meet anyone or even have a pinch of time to do something after high school ended. Life just could not get any less busy.

I have always have this habit of wrapping up every semester and read back on how much has it changed for just a semester. And to my surprise, each semester tells its very own story, with such unexpected drama. It’s like each semester of mine is like a Gossip Girl season, okay bad metaphor but it is sort of. Anyways, going to do a quick sum up of my 4th semester in Applied Geology and truth to be told, this semester has got to be my favourite. The words of “After a hurricane, comes a rainbow” become true in this semester, or it could be the semester’s tagline, hehehe.

Semester 4 started pretty bad. Remember what happened during the fieldwork before? Broken relationships and then massive heart breaks. Then it slowly turned the other way around. Broken hearts are mended, and things just gradually got better. Got over my fear of heights by successfully completed the rock climbing session! Such an achievement. Then my grips started to lose when I faced a few misunderstandings within my close friends and to make it short, things were never the same anymore. The same week when I realized that my friendships are on rocks with few, that is when another drama of annoyance in the course happened. Such a heartbreaking week (well, the most heartbreaking week in my 20 years of living – like imagine losing your own close friends and at such hard times, you literally do not have anyone to talk to who can actually understand your stupid geology stress. So horrible!) until a senior of mine asked me out. He has been such a life saviour. Listening to my dumb rants, bimbotic thoughts and stupid paranoia over stuffs and projects and truly understand how crappy and stressful geology could be sometimes. Thank you, Salihin J You’re the best senior ever. Anyways, so my life ever since then have been pretty much on cloud nine and on top of the game although exam weeks were so rough. I swear I could say that my blood might have been thickened by Redbull liquid. So dangerous, but that’s what have been keeping me up and giving energy. And the results? Well, you’re looking at a Dean’s List achiever :D Syukur Alhamdulillah for the rezeki and nikmat, Ya Allah :’) I believe this is all a results of how rough I’ve been through.

Pretty much that’s it for Semester 4? Yes. Bad start to a great ending. I hope my industrial training would be a great one too, insyaAllah J Till then, have a great day, dear readers!

Loves, xx
Listening to: It’s Nice To Be Alive by Ball Park Music

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